The Pain.001.001.03 as described in the SEPA Credit Transfer Implementation Guidelines – EPC132-08 SCT C2B IG 2017 V1.0. Use the search feature above the table to find specific information. Links to youtube videos will be available soon to explain some message elements in detail. Back to the payment messages page.

# SEPA Mult Message Element SEPA Core Requirements
Document XML Tag : Document
Type : Document
1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03 ISO Name : Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
ISO Definition : The CustomerCreditTransferInitiation message is
sent by the initiating party to the forwarding agent or debtor's agent. It is used to request movement of funds from debtor's account to a creditor.
XML Tag : CstmrCdtTrfInitn
Type : CustomerCreditTransferInitiationV03
1.01..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
ISO Name : Group Header
ISO Definition : Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.
XML Tag : GrpHdr
Type : GroupHeader32
1.1 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Message Identification
ISO Name : Message Identification
ISO Definition : Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the chain to unambiguously identify the message.
Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party for a pre-agreed period.
XML Tag : MsgId
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
1.2 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Creation Date Time
ISO Name : Creation Date Time
ISO Definition : Date and time at which the message was created.
XML Tag : CreDtTm
Type : ISODateTime
1.3 0..2 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
ISO Name : Authorisation
ISO Definition : User identification or any user key to be used to check whether the initiating party is allowed to initiate transactions from the account specified in the message.
Usage: The content is not of a technical nature, but reflects the organisational structure at the initiating side. The authorisation element can typically be used in relay scenarios, payment initiations, payment returns or payment reversals that are initiated on behalf of a party different from the initiating party.
XML Tag : Authstn
Type : Authorisation1Choice
1.4 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Number Of Transactions
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : The validation of this data element depends on pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions.
ISO Name : Number Of Transactions
ISO Definition Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
XML Tag : NbOfTxs
Type : Max15NumericText
Pattern : [0-9]{1,15}
1.5 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Control Sum
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory - The validation of this data element depends on pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions.
SEPA Format Rule(s) : The fractional part has a maximum of two digits.
ISO Name : Control Sum
ISO Definition : Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
XML Tag : CtrlSum
Type : DecimalNumber
SEPA FractDigits : 17
TotalDigits : 18
1.6 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
ISO Name : Initiating Party
ISO Definition : Party that initiates the payment.
Usage: This can either be the debtor or the party that initiates the credit transfer on behalf of the debtor.
XML Tag : InitgPty
Type : PartyIdentification32
1.7 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : 'Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length.
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length 1 .. 70
1.8 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
+++Postal Address
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
1.9 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Party6Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
1.10 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
++++Organisation Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Organisation Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
XML Tag : OrgId
Type : OrganisationIdentification4
1.11 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
++++Private Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘Date and Place of Birth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Private Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
XML Tag : PrvtId
Type : PersonIdentification5
1.12 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
+++Country Of Residence
ISO Name : Country Of Residence
ISO Definition : Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
XML Tag : CtryOfRes
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
1.13 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Initiating Party
+++Contact Details
ISO Name : Contact Details
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to indicate how to contact
the party.
XML Tag : CtctDtls
Type : ContactDetails2
1.14 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Group Header
++Forwarding Agent
ISO Name : Forwarding Agent
ISO Definition : Financial institution that receives the instruction from the initiating party and forwards it to the next agent in the payment chain for execution.
XML Tag : FwdgAgt
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
2.0 1..n Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
ISO Name : Payment Information
ISO Definition : Set of characteristics that applies to the debit side of the payment transactions included in the credit transfer initiation.
XML Tag : PmtInf
Type PaymentInstructionInformation3
2.1 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Information Identification
ISO Name : Payment Information Identification
ISO Definition : Unique identification, as assigned by a sending party, to unambiguously identify the payment information group within the message.
XML Tag : PmtInfId
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length 1 .. 35
SEPA Length 1 .. 35
2.2 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Method
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘TRF’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Payment Method
ISO Definition : Specifies the means of payment that will be used
to move the amount of money.
XML Tag : PmtMtd
Type : PaymentMethod3Code
SEPA Code Restrictions
TRF : CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the books of the account servicer.
2.3 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Batch Booking
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : If present and contains ‘true’, batch booking is requested. If present and contains ‘false’, booking per transaction is requested. If element is not present, pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply.
ISO Name : Batch Booking
ISO Definition : Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.
Usage : Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
XML Tag : BtchBookg
Type : BatchBookingIndicator
2.4 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Number Of Transactions
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory - The validation of this data element depends on pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions.
ISO Name : Number Of Transactions
ISO Definition Number of individual transactions contained in the payment information group.
XML Tag : NbOfTxs
Type : Max15NumericText
Pattern : [0-9]{1,15}
2.5 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Control Sum
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory - The validation of this data element depends on pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions.
SEPA Format Rule(s) : The fractional part has a maximum of two digits.
ISO Name : Control Sum
ISO Definition : Total of all individual amounts included in the group, irrespective of currencies.
XML Tag : CtrlSum
Type : DecimalNumber
SEPA FractDigits : 17 TotalDigits : 18
2.6 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : ‘Payment Type Information’ must be present either here or under ‘Credit Transfer Transaction Information’.
ISO Name : Payment Type Information
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
XML Tag : PmtTpInf
Type : PaymentTypeInformation19
2.7 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Instruction Priority
SEPA Usage Rule(s): If present, pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply.
ISO Name : Instruction Priority
ISO Definition : Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction.
XML Tag : InstrPrty
Type : Priority2Code
2.8 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Service Level
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Usage is recommended.
ISO Name : Service Level
ISO Definition : Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed.
XML Tag : SvcLvl
Type : ServiceLevel8Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.9 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V2
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Service Level
SEPA Rulebook : AT-40 Identification code of the Scheme.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘SEPA’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Code
ISO Definition : Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list.
XML Tag : Cd
Type : ExternalServiceLevel1Code
ISO Length : 1 .. 4
SEPA Length : 1 .. 4
SEPA Code Restrictions : SEPA SingleEuroPaymentsArea - Payment must be executed following the Single Euro Payments Area scheme.
2.10 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Service Level
ISO Name : Proprietary
ISO Definition : Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code.
XML Tag : Prtry
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.11 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Local Instrument
ISO Name : Local Instrument
ISO Definition : User community specific instrument.
Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level.
XML Tag : LclInstrm
Type : LocalInstrument2Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.12 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Local Instrument
ISO Name : Code
ISO Definition : Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list.
XML Tag : Cd
Type : ExternalLocalInstrument1Code
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.13 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Local Instrument
ISO Name : Proprietary
ISO Definition : Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code.
XML Tag : Prtry
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.14 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Payment Type Information
+++Category Purpose
SEPA Rulebook AT-45 Category purpose of the Credit Transfer
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Depending on the agreement between the Originator and the Originator Bank, ‘Category Purpose’ may be forwarded to the Beneficiary Bank.
ISO Name : Category Purpose
ISO Definition : Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories.
Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
XML Tag : CtgyPurp
Type : CategoryPurpose1Choice
2.15 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Requested Execution Date
SEPA Rulebook : AT-07 The Requested Execution Date of the instruction.
ISO Name : Requested Execution Date
ISO Definition : Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.
Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. If payment by cheque, the date when the cheque must be generated by the bank.
XML Tag : ReqdExctnDt
Type : ISODate
2.16 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Pooling Adjustment Date
ISO Name : Pooling Adjustment Date
ISO Definition : Date used for the correction of the value date of a cash pool movement that has been posted with a different value date.
XML Tag : PoolgAdjstmntDt
Type : ISODate
2.17 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
ISO Name : Debtor
ISO Definition : Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
XML Tag : Dbtr
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.18 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
SEPA Rulebook : AT-02 Name of the Originator
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory - ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length.
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.19 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
SEPA Rulebook : AT-03 Address of the Originator
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
2.20 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Address Type
ISO Name : Address Type
ISO Definition : Identifies the nature of the postal address.
XML Tag : AdrTp
Type : AddressType2Code
2.21 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
ISO Name : Department
ISO Definition : Identification of a division of a large organisation or building.
XML Tag : Dept
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.22 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Sub Department
ISO Name Sub Department
ISO Definition Identification of a sub-division of a large
organisation or building.
XML Tag SubDept
Type Max70Text
ISO Length 1 .. 70
SEPA Length 1 .. 70
2.23 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Street Name
ISO Name : Street Name
ISO Definition : Name of a street or thoroughfare.
XML Tag : StrtNm
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.24 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Building Number
ISO Name : Building Number
ISO Definition : Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
XML Tag : BldgNb
Type : Max16Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 16
SEPA Length : 1 .. 16
2.25 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Post Code
ISO Name : Post Code
ISO Definition : Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.
XML Tag : PstCd
Type : Max16Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 16
SEPA Length : 1 .. 16
2.26 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Town Name
ISO Name : Town Name
ISO Definition : Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
XML Tag : TwnNm
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.27 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Country Sub Division
ISO Name : Country Sub Division
ISO Definition : Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, county.
XML Tag : CtrySubDvsn
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.28 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
ISO Name : Country
ISO Definition : Nation with its own government.
XML Tag : Ctry
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.29 0..2 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Postal Address
++++Address Line
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only two occurrences are allowed.
ISO Name : Address Line
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text.
XML Tag : AdrLine
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.30 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
SEPA Rulebook : AT-10 Originator Identification Code
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Party6Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.31 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++++Organisation Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Organisation Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
XML Tag : OrgId
Type : OrganisationIdentification4
2.32 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++++Private Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) Either 'Date and Place of Birth' or one occurence
of 'Other' is allowed
ISO Name Private Identification
ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
XML Tag PrvtId
Type PersonIdentification5
2.33 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Country Of Residence
ISO Name : Country Of Residence
ISO Definition : Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
XML Tag : CtryOfRes
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.34 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
+++Contact Details
ISO Name Contact Details
ISO Definition Set of elements used to indicate how to contact
the party.
XML Tag CtctDtls
Type ContactDetails2
2.35 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Account
SEPA Rulebook : AT-01 The IBAN of the account of the Originator
ISO Name : Debtor Account
ISO Definition : Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction.
XML Tag : DbtrAcct
Type : CashAccount16
2.36 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Account
SEPA Usage Rule(s) Only : IBAN is allowed.
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
XML Tag : Id
Type : AccountIdentification4Choice
2.37 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Account
ISO Name : Type
ISO Definition : Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
XML Tag : Tp
Type : CashAccountType2
2.38 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Account
ISO Name : Currency
ISO Definition : Identification of the currency in which the account is held.
Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several currencies and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
XML Tag : Ccy
Type : ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{3,3}
2.39 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Account
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.
Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account owner's identity and the account number.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.40 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
ISO Name : Debtor Agent
ISO Definition : Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
XML Tag : DbtrAgt
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
2.41 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either BIC or ‘Other/Identification’ must be used.
ISO Name : Financial Institution Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme.
XML Tag : FinInstnId
Type : FinancialInstitutionIdentification7
2.42 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
SEPA Rulebook : AT-06 BIC code of the Originator Bank (Only mandatory when Originator Bank is located in a non-EEA SEPA country or territory).
ISO Name : BIC
ISO Definition : Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".
Type : BICIdentifier
Pattern : [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
2.43 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
++++Clearing System Member Identification
ISO Name : Clearing System Member Identification
ISO Definition : Information used to identify a member within a clearing system.
XML Tag : ClrSysMmbId
Type : ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2
2.44 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 140
2.45 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
++++Postal Address
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
2.46 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
ISO Name : Other
ISO Definition : Unique identification of an agent, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme.
XML Tag : Othr
Type : GenericFinancialIdentification1
2.47 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) - Usage Rule : Only ‘NOTPROVIDED’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a person.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.48 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
+++++Scheme Name
ISO Name : Scheme Name
ISO Definition : Name of the identification scheme.
XML Tag : SchmeNm
Type : FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice
2.49 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Financial Institution Identification
ISO Name : Issuer
ISO Definition : Entity that assigns the identification.
XML Tag : Issr
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.50 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent
+++Branch Identification
ISO Name : Branch Identification
ISO Definition : Identifies a specific branch of a financial institution.
Usage: This component should be used in case the identification information in the financial institution component does not provide identification up to branch level.
XML Tag : BrnchId
Type : BranchData2
2.51 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Debtor Agent Account
ISO Name : Debtor Agent Account
ISO Definition : Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the payment chain.
XML Tag : DbtrAgtAcct
Type : CashAccount16
2.52 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
ISO Name : Ultimate Debtor
ISO Definition : Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
XML Tag : UltmtDbtr
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.53 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
SEPA Rulebook : AT-08 Name of the Originator Reference Party
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length.
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.54 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
+++Postal Address
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
2.55 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
SEPA Rulebook : AT-09 Identification code of the Originator Reference Party
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Party6Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.56 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
++++Organisation Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Organisation Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
XML Tag : OrgId
Type : OrganisationIdentification4
2.57 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
++++Private Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘Date and Place of Birth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Private Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
XML Tag : PrvtId
Type : PersonIdentification5
2.58 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
+++Country Of Residence
ISO Name : Country Of Residence
ISO Definition : Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
XML Tag : CtryOfRes
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.59 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Ultimate Debtor
+++Contact Details
ISO Name : Contact Details
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to indicate how to contact the party.
XML Tag : CtctDtls
Type : ContactDetails2
2.60 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Charge Bearer
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘SLEV’ is allowed. It is recommended that this element be specified at ‘Payment Information’ level.
ISO Name : Charge Bearer
ISO Definition : Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
XML Tag : ChrgBr
Type : ChargeBearerType1Code
SEPA Code Restrictions: SLEV (FollowingServiceLevel) - Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the service level and/or scheme.
2.61 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Charges Account
ISO Name : Charges Account
ISO Definition : Account used to process charges associated with a transaction.
Usage: Charges account should be used when charges have to be booked to an account different from the account identified in debtor's account.
XML Tag : ChrgsAcct
Type : CashAccount16
2.62 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Charges Account Agent
ISO Name : Charges Account Agent
ISO Definition : Agent that services a charges account.
Usage: Charges account agent should only be used when the charges account agent is different from the debtor agent.
XML Tag : ChrgsAcctAgt
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
2.63 1..n Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
ISO Name : Credit Transfer Transaction Information
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to provide information on the individual transaction(s) included in the message.
XML Tag : CdtTrfTxInf
Type : CreditTransferTransactionInformation10
2.64 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Identification
ISO Name : Payment Identification
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction.
XML Tag : PmtId
Type : PaymentIdentification1
2.65 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Identification
++++Instruction Identification
ISO Name : Instruction Identification
ISO Definition : Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction.
Usage: the instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages related to the instruction.
XML Tag : InstrId
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.66 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Identification
++++End To End Identification
SEPA Rulebook : AT-41 Originator’s Reference to the Credit Transfer.
ISO Name : End To End Identification
ISO Definition : Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the transaction. It can be included in several messages related to the transaction.
XML Tag : EndToEndId
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.67 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : 'Payment Type Information' must be present either here or directly under ‘Payment Information’.
ISO Name : Payment Type Information
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
XML Tag : PmtTpInf
Type : PaymentTypeInformation19
2.68 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Instruction Priority
ISO Name : Instruction Priority
ISO Definition : Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction.
XML Tag : InstrPrty
Type : Priority2Code
2.69 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Service Level
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Usage is recommended.
ISO Name : Service Level
ISO Definition : Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed.
XML Tag : SvcLvl
Type : ServiceLevel8Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.70 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Service Level
SEPA Rulebook : AT-40 Identification code of the Scheme.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘SEPA’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Code
ISO Definition : Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list.
XML Tag : Cd
Type : ExternalServiceLevel1Code
ISO Length : 1 .. 4
SEPA Length : 1 .. 4
SEPA Code Restrictions : SEPA (SingleEuroPaymentsArea) - Payment must be executed following the Single Euro Payments Area scheme.
2.71 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Service Level
ISO Name : Proprietary
ISO Definition : Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code.
XML Tag : Prtry
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.72 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Local Instrument
ISO Name : Local Instrument
ISO Definition : User community specific instrument.
Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level.
XML Tag : LclInstrm
Type : LocalInstrument2Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.73 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Local Instrument
ISO Name : Code
ISO Definition : Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list.
XML Tag : Cd
Type : ExternalLocalInstrument1Code
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.74 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Local Instrument
ISO Name : Proprietary
ISO Definition : Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code.
XML Tag : Prtry
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.75 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Payment Type Information
++++Category Purpose
SEPA Rulebook : AT-45 Category purpose of the Credit Transfer.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Depending on the agreement between the Originator and the Originator Bank, ‘Category Purpose’ may be forwarded to the Beneficiary Bank.
ISO Name : Category Purpose
ISO Definition : Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories.
Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
XML Tag : CtgyPurp
Type : CategoryPurpose1Choice
2.76 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
ISO Name : Amount
ISO Definition : Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
XML Tag : Amt
Type : AmountType3Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.77 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Instructed Amount
SEPA Rulebook : AT-04 Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less.
SEPA Format Rule(s) : The fractional part has a maximum of two digits.
ISO Name : Instructed Amount
ISO Definition : Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
XML Tag : InstdAmt
Type : ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
SEPA FractDigits : 2 TotalDigits : 18
SEPA Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99
2.78 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Equivalent Amount
ISO Name : Equivalent Amount
ISO Definition : Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and the currency in which the amount is to be moved.
XML Tag : EqvtAmt
Type : EquivalentAmount2
2.79 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Exchange Rate Information
ISO Name : Exchange Rate Information
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to provide details on the currency exchange rate and contract.
XML Tag : XchgRateInf
Type : ExchangeRateInformation1
2.80 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Charge Bearer
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘SLEV’ is allowed.
It is recommended that this element be specified at ‘Payment Information’ level.
ISO Name : Charge Bearer
ISO Definition : Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
XML Tag : ChrgBr
Type : ChargeBearerType1Code
SEPA Code Restrictions: SLEV (FollowingServiceLevel) - Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the service level and/or scheme.
2.81 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Cheque Instruction
ISO Name : Cheque Instruction
ISO Definition : Set of elements needed to issue a cheque.
XML Tag : ChqInstr
Type : Cheque6
2.82 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
ISO Name : Ultimate Debtor
ISO Definition : Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
XML Tag : UltmtDbtr
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.83 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
SEPA Rulebook : AT-08 Name of the Originator Reference Party.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length.
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.84 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
++++Postal Address
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
2.85 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
SEPA Rulebook : AT-09 Identification Code of the Originator Reference Party.
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Party6Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.86 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
+++++Organisation Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Organisation Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
XML Tag : OrgId
Type : OrganisationIdentification4
2.87 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
+++++Private Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘Date and Place of Birth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Private Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
XML Tag : PrvtId
Type : PersonIdentification5
2.88 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
++++Country Of Residence
ISO Name : Country Of Residence
ISO Definition : Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
XML Tag : CtryOfRes
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.89 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Debtor
++++Contact Details
ISO Name : Contact Details
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to indicate how to contact the party.
XML Tag : CtctDtls
Type : ContactDetails2
2.90 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V2
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Intermediary Agent 1
ISO Name : Intermediary Agent 1
ISO Definition : Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.
Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent1.
XML Tag : IntrmyAgt1
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3
2.91 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Intermediary Agent 1Account
ISO Name : Intermediary Agent 1Account
ISO Definition : Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in the payment chain.
XML Tag : IntrmyAgt1Acct
Type : CashAccount16
2.92 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Intermediary Agent 2
ISO Name : Intermediary Agent 2
ISO Definition : Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.
Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
XML Tag : IntrmyAgt2
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
2.93 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Intermediary Agent 2Account
ISO Name : Intermediary Agent 2Account
ISO Definition : Unambiguous identification of the account of the
intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in the payment chain.
XML Tag : IntrmyAgt2Acct
Type : CashAccount16
2.94 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Intermediary Agent 3
ISO Name : Intermediary Agent 3
ISO Definition : Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.
Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2 and the CreditorAgent.
XML Tag : IntrmyAgt3
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
2.95 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Intermediary Agent 3Account
ISO Name : Intermediary Agent 3Account
ISO Definition : Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in the payment chain.
XML Tag : IntrmyAgt3Acct
Type : CashAccount16
2.96 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Creditor Agent
SEPA Rulebook : AT-23 BIC of the Beneficiary Bank (Only mandatory when Beneficiary Bank is located in a non-EEA SEPA country or territory)
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only BIC is allowed. If the BIC is not indicated 'Creditor Agent'
structure is not to be used.
ISO Name : Creditor Agent
ISO Definition : Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
XML Tag : CdtrAgt
Type : BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
2.97 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Creditor Agent Account
ISO Name Creditor Agent Account
ISO Definition Unambiguous identification of the account of the
creditor agent at its servicing agent to which a
credit entry will be made as a result of the
payment transaction.
XML Tag CdtrAgtAcct
Type CashAccount16
2.98 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory
ISO Name : Creditor
ISO Definition : Party to which an amount of money is due.
XML Tag : Cdtr
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.99 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
SEPA Rulebook : AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory - ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length.
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.100 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
SEPA Rulebook : AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary.
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
2.101 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Address Type
ISO Name : Address Type
ISO Definition : Identifies the nature of the postal address.
XML Tag : AdrTp
Type : AddressType2Code
2.102 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
ISO Name : Department
ISO Definition : Identification of a division of a large organisation or building.
XML Tag : Dept
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.103 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Sub Department
ISO Name : Sub Department
ISO Definition Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building.
XML Tag : SubDept
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.104 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Street Name
ISO Name : Street Name
ISO Definition : Name of a street or thoroughfare.
XML Tag : StrtNm
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.105 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Building Number
ISO Name : Building Number
ISO Definition : Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
XML Tag : BldgNb
Type : Max16Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 16
SEPA Length : 1 .. 16
2.106 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Post Code
ISO Name : Post Code
ISO Definition : Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.
XML Tag : PstCd
Type : Max16Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 16
SEPA Length : 1 .. 16
2.107 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Town Name
ISO Name : Town Name
ISO Definition : Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
XML Tag : TwnNm
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.108 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Country Sub Division
ISO Name : Country Sub Division
ISO Definition : Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, country.
XML Tag : CtrySubDvsn
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.109 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
ISO Name : Country
ISO Definition : Nation with its own government.
XML Tag : Ctry
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.110 0..2 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Postal Address
+++++Address Line
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only two occurrences are allowed.
ISO Name : Address Line
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text.
XML Tag : AdrLine
Type : Max70Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 70
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.111 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
SEPA Rulebook : AT-24 Beneficiary Identification Code.
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Party6Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.112 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++++Organisation Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Organisation Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
XML Tag : OrgId
Type : OrganisationIdentification4
2.113 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++++Private Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘Date and Place of Birth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Private Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
XML Tag : PrvtId
Type : PersonIdentification5
2.114 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Country Of Residence
ISO Name : Country Of Residence
ISO Definition : Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
XML Tag : CtryOfRes
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.115 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
++++Contact Details
ISO Name : Contact Details
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to indicate how to contact the party.
XML Tag : CtctDtls
Type : ContactDetails2
2.116 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Creditor Account
SEPA Rulebook : AT-20 The IBAN of the account of the Beneficiary.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Mandatory - Only IBAN is allowed.
ISO Name : Creditor Account
ISO Definition : Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction.
XML Tag : CdtrAcct
Type : CashAccount16
2.117 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V20
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
ISO Name : Ultimate Creditor
ISO Definition : Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
XML Tag : UltmtCdtr
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.118 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
SEPA Rulebook : AT-28 Name of the Beneficiary Reference Party.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length.
ISO Name : Name
ISO Definition : Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
XML Tag : Nm
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 70
2.119 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
++++Postal Address
ISO Name : Postal Address
ISO Definition : Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
XML Tag : PstlAdr
Type : PostalAddress6
2.120 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
SEPA Rulebook : AT-29 Identification Code of the Beneficiary Reference Party.
ISO Name : Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
XML Tag : Id
Type : Party6Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.121 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
+++++Organisation Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Organisation Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
XML Tag : OrgId
Type : OrganisationIdentification4
2.122 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
+++++Private Identification
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘Date and Place of Birth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Private Identification
ISO Definition : Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
XML Tag : PrvtId
Type : PersonIdentification5
2.123 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
++++Country Of Residence
ISO Name : Country Of Residence
ISO Definition : Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.
XML Tag : CtryOfRes
Type : CountryCode
Pattern : [A-Z]{2,2}
2.124 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Ultimate Creditor
++++Contact Details
ISO Name : Contact Details
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to indicate how to contact the party.
XML Tag : CtctDtls
Type : ContactDetails2
2.125 0..n Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Instruction For Creditor Agent
ISO Name Instruction For Creditor Agent
ISO Definition Further information related to the processing of
the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor
XML Tag InstrForCdtrAgt
Type InstructionForCreditorAgent1
2.126 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Instruction For Debtor Agent
ISO Name : Instruction For Debtor Agent
ISO Definition : Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, that may need to be acted upon by the debtor agent, depending on agreement between debtor and the debtor agent.
XML Tag : InstrForDbtrAgt
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 140
2.127 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
SEPA Rulebook : AT-44 Purpose of the Credit Transfer.
ISO Name : Purpose
ISO Definition : Underlying reason for the payment transaction.
Usage: Purpose is used by the end-customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate) creditor to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element, which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
XML Tag : Purp
Type : Purpose2Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.128 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
ISO Name : Code
ISO Definition : Underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list.
XML Tag : Cd
Type : ExternalPurpose1Code
ISO Length : 1 .. 4
SEPA Length : 1 .. 4
2.129 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
ISO Name : Proprietary
ISO Definition : Purpose, in a proprietary form.
XML Tag : Prtry
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.130 0..10 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Regulatory Reporting
ISO Name : Regulatory Reporting
ISO Definition : Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements.
XML Tag : RgltryRptg
Type : RegulatoryReporting3
2.131 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
ISO Name : Tax
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to provide details on the tax.
XML Tag : Tax
Type : TaxInformation3
2.132 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Related Remittance Information
ISO Name : Related Remittance Information
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to provide information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the agents in the transaction processing chain.
XML Tag : RltdRmtInf
Type : RemittanceLocation2
2.133 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
SEPA Rulebook : AT-05 The Remittance Information sent by the Originator to the Beneficiary in the Credit Transfer Instruction.
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Either ‘Structured’ or ‘Unstructured’ may be present
ISO Name : Remittance Information
ISO Definition : Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in
an accounts' receivable system.
XML Tag : RmtInf
Type : RemittanceInformation5
2.134 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : ‘Unstructured’ may carry structured remittance information, as agreed between the Originator and the Beneficiary.
Only one occurrence of ‘Unstructured’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Unstructured
ISO Definition : Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an unstructured form.
XML Tag : Ustrd
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 140
2.135 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only one occurrence of ‘Structured’ is allowed.
SEPA Format Rule(s) : ‘Structured’ can be used, provided the tags and the data within the ‘Structured’ element do not exceed 140 characters in length.
ISO Name : Structured
ISO Definition : Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a structured form.
XML Tag : Strd
Type : StructuredRemittanceInformation7
2.136 0..n Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Referred Document Information
ISO Name : Referred Document Information
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to identify the documents referred to in the remittance information.
XML Tag : RfrdDocInf
Type : ReferredDocumentInformation3
2.137 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Referred Document Amount
ISO Name : Referred Document Amount
ISO Definition : Set of elements used to provide details on the amounts of the referred document.
XML Tag : RfrdDocAmt
Type : RemittanceAmount1
2.138 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : When present, the Debtor Bank is not obliged to validate the reference information. When used both ‘Creditor Reference Type’ and
‘Creditor Reference’ must be present.
ISO Name Creditor Reference Information.
ISO Definition Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents.
XML Tag : CdtrRefInf
Type : CreditorReferenceInformation2
2.139 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
ISO Name : Type
ISO Definition : Specifies the type of creditor reference.
XML Tag : Tp
Type : CreditorReferenceType2
2.140 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
+++++++Code Or Proprietary
ISO Name : Code Or Proprietary
ISO Definition : Coded or proprietary format creditor reference type.
XML Tag : CdOrPrtry
Type : CreditorReferenceType1Choice
1..1 XML Tag xs:choice
2.141 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
+++++++Code Or Proprietary
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : Only ‘SCOR’ is allowed.
ISO Name : Code
ISO Definition : Type of creditor reference, in a coded form.
XML Tag : Cd
Type : DocumentType3Code
SEPA Code Restrictions : SCOR (StructuredCommunicationReference) - Document is a structured communication reference provided by the creditor to identify the referred transaction.
2.142 1..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
+++++++Code Or Proprietary
ISO Name : Proprietary
ISO Definition : Creditor reference type, in a proprietary form.
XML Tag : Prtry
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.143 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
ISO Name : Issuer
ISO Definition : Entity that assigns the credit reference type.
XML Tag : Issr
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.144 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Creditor Reference Information
SEPA Usage Rule(s) : If a Creditor Reference contains a check digit, the receiving bank is not required to validate this. If the receiving bank validates the check digit and if this validation fails, the bank may continue its processing and send the transaction to the next party in the chain.
RF Creditor Reference may be used (ISO 11649)
ISO Name : Reference
ISO Definition : Unique reference, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously refer to the payment transaction.
Usage: If available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information, to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the amount of money. If the business context requires the use of a creditor reference or a payment remit identification, and only one identifier can be passed through the end-to-end chain, the creditor's reference or payment remittance identification should be quoted in the end-to-end transaction identification.
XML Tag : Ref
Type : Max35Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 35
SEPA Length : 1 .. 35
2.145 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
ISO Name : Invoicer
ISO Definition : Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or ultimate creditor.
XML Tag : Invcr
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.146 0..1 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
ISO Name : Invoicee
ISO Definition : Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or ultimate debtor.
XML Tag : Invcee
Type : PartyIdentification32
2.147 0..3 Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V03
+Payment Information
++Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+++Remittance Information
+++++Additional Remittance Information
ISO Name : Additional Remittance Information
ISO Definition : Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
XML Tag : AddtlRmtInf
Type : Max140Text
ISO Length : 1 .. 140
SEPA Length : 1 .. 140
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