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Readers reviews and testimonials
“Jean Paul, your book is amazingly informative. I have been struggling the last whole year to get such information but the information about such topics are so sporadic that at some point of time everyone quit. I really want to thank you for publishing this book. Please let me know your future books as well. Not to mention – i will be again the first one to buy that 🙂 and i guess you will believe me this time as i already bought your book within few minutes of it’s publication. Can not wait more to get the hardcopy as i am more habitual to read from hardcover books ( i am old fashioned that way 🙂 ) Many thanks for jotting down your experience in around 200 pages that no one can learn in 5 years on their own. A huge thumbs up to this book” – Neeraj Sharma
“Any beginner to SEPA credit transfer project can easily get on-boarded by reading this book. It provides complete knowledge for newbies who are starting their work in SEPA implementation project. Step by step guidance with full explanation of payment concepts, SEPA purpose and XML tags provides needed knowledge to the reader. I recommend it to people who aspire to start their career in Payments domain.” – Sairam Srinivasan on amazon uk
“This Book is very nicely written and gives lots of information that I have found here very clearly explained which is not anywhere else.
I am working in payment projects and I find it very valuable. If you really want to understand payments, then this is the book which you must read. I would like to thank Jean Paul for the book and effort in writing is really appreciative.” – Sachin on amazon india
“As a payment professional, I must say this book is great and easy to read. Initially I thought it was only about SCT. But it is clearly more than that. Key concepts in payments like clearing and settlement are explained in a very simple way. I really found the chapter about payment engines and how they are integrated into an existing Bank IT environment useful. If you work in payments, I recommend this book without any hesitation.” – Venkatesan Gopalan on amazon india
“I have the book for around 3 weeks now, I was looking for some source on the market covering this subject and other payments concepts. To be honest I was really excited to find a current material(published this year 2018) and the book itself did not disappoint, its covering and explaining lots of concepts about SCT, payments and the technical integration. I find it extremely comprehensive, in the same time its a book that you really need to sink and and re-read concepts that are not familiar. For me definitely is a good choice as I am working in the Payments Industry, I could only recommend it to anyone that wants to learn about the payments industry.” – Dumitrescu Alexandru Viorel on amazon.de
“I have met few people who understand and can teach payments and SEPA Credit Transfer like Jean Paul. This book is a step-by-step guide to really master SCT and the payments topic for consultants and people implementing payments systems. Jean Paul makes payments incredibly easy for anyone.” – Jeroen Holscher, Global head of Cards and Payments at Capgemini.
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